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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Just Pears

Since the day Harrison was born, he has been a big eater ! 
We followed our pediatricians advice and waited until 4 months to start introducing him to cereal. 
You might remember this pitiful face:
It was not an immediate success, however he has grown to love it! 
The cereal is just not cutting it any more however! 
Harrison is becoming hungry more often. We are still trying to push his feedings out to every 4 hours but at about 3 1/2 hours he gets pretty grumpy ;)
After much *research and consulting of friends and family, we have decided to go against the doctors orders (to wait until 6 moths to introduce fruits and vegetables)  and introduce some baby food a few weeks early ;)
*Much of what I researched said that if your baby will sit up with some assistance and acts interested in food, then they are ready for solid foods. Harrison for sure "acts interested in food". When we are eating dinner he will watch every bite we take and open his mouth and reach for our plates ;)

The other night we gave him his normal amount of cereal and and a few bites of "just pears" by Plum Organics as well. 

The first encounter with fruits was a much better "first" than the cereal!
Everything seems to be working out great so far! No allergic reactions or belly aches from the pears!
On to bananas next!

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