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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Watch Me Grow! 5 Months!

Today, I am 5 months old!
Look how I've grown!
1 Day
1 Month
2 Months
3 Months
4 Months
5 Months!
 What's new with Harrison?
I am loving jumping in the Jumperoo!
I can roll over- although I choose not to most of the time!

I'm working very hard on getting a tooth!
I will take things from your hand; including this piece of candy!
I talk A LOT more now! I'm not really saying anything specific but I sure do make a lot of babbling noises! Mom is convinced I said "momma" this morning!
I'm eating rice cereal now. 
I sleep 7 hours at a time during the night.
I'm almost 1/2 year old
Dear time, Please slow down!

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